image of gillian and an art doll work in progress


A very warm welcome to my blog! Delve into the stories that give life to my creations. Uncover the inspiration and process behind each heartfelt collection.

stories from my studio – a deeper dive into my work and my creative life.

A very warm welcome to my blog! Delve into the stories that give life to my creations. Uncover the inspiration and process behind each heartfelt collection.

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how to improve your well-being in nature

how to improve your well-being in nature

I am passionate about the relationship between the natural world and our health and well-being. For me, there are few situations that won’t be vastly improved by some time in the open – walking, allowing my thoughts to flow and taking photographs of whatever catches my eye.

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dollmaking for beginners

dollmaking for beginners

A very warm welcome to my first blog post – let me tell you the story of the first doll I created and my journey into dollmaking.

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